Shoulder muscle beginner training

Shoulder muscle beginner training

Barbell shoulders press

start: position an adjustable bench to 90 degrees,
and place it within the apparatus so that the bar lowers
just in front of your face. grasp the bar outside
shoulder width and unlatch it from the safety supports.

move: lower the bar to about chin height, then flex
through your shoulders and forcefully press it up
keep your elbows under the bar during each rep.

Wide-grip upright row

start: stand holding a barbell in front of you with a
slightly wider than shoulders width grip and your arms
extended. bend your knees slightly

move: lift the bar up close to your body concentrating on
on your shoulders, until your shoulders until your upper arms
are parallel to the floor. lower the weight under control
don't let it drop to full elbow extension.

one arm dumbbell lateral raise 

start: stand holding a dumbbell in your one hand with
your arm by your side. hold onto a solid structure
with your other hand for support

move: with your elbow fixed in position , left the weight
up until your arm is parallel to the floor , then
return to start. repeat for reps then switch arms.

Dumbbell front raise

start: stand holding a dumbbell in you right hand as
you did for lateral raises. start with the dumbbell in front
in front of you lightly touching your tight.

move: lift the dumbbell straight in front of you
until your arms is parallel to the ground. slowly lower
the weight and repeat . complete all reps, then switch arms.

one arm bent over lateral raise 

start: lean forward at the waist place your left
hand on a bench for support and hold a dumbbell
in your right hand with your arm extended

move: raise the weight straight out to the side
until parallel to the floor. repeat for reps and switch arms
