Chest muscle beginner training

Chest muscle beginner training 

decline barbell press

start: lie back on a bench set to about a 30-40
degree decline . grab the barbell with an overhand

move: lower the barbell to your chest , touching
down to your lower pecs lightly before pushing
the bar back up to full extension

Machine pullover

start: sit in a pullover machine , prasping the handles
with both hands while placing your
elbows against the elbow pads

move: bring the handles down in front
of your torso pause for a moment
then return back to start under full
control .


start : sit in a pec-deck station,placing your elbows
and forearms on the pads , for best result position
your arms so that your limit the stretch to just behind
your chest.

move: squeeze your pecs to bring the pads together in
front of you chest. flex your chest hard at the moment
in the exercise when your elbows are together.

parallel bar dip

start : grasp the bars with your Arms extended
and locked. lean forward bend your knees and cross
your legs.

move : keep your elbow out to your side as you
lower yourself down, dropping until your upper arms
are about parallel to the floor. squeezing your palms
toward each other in an isometric fashion, begin
pressing back up until your arms are again fully

Push up 

start : the traditional drop and give me 50 push up
is done with a flat back and hands just outside your shoulders

move : press to full extension,keeping your elbows
positing out and lower under control.don't sad in the middle.
